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Foottroller user instructions
Foottroller connects to our "VirtualFeet" iOS app to work with other gaming devices.
Install Foottroller iOS app "VirtualFeet"
Foottroller Instructions: About
Connect Foottroller with "VirtualFeet" App
Step 1: Open "VirtualFeet" app
Step 2: Click "Search" button and turn left or right Foottroller on.
Connection between Foottroller and the App will be established
The Foottroller functions properly when the App responds to changes of foot pointing directions, tilt angle and touch states
Connect the other Foottroller using the same procedure
After one or both Foottroller is connected to the "VirtualFeet" App, it can be used for game controls
Control StreamVR games with Foottroller
Control PC games with Foottroller
Develop games with Foottroller controls integrated
Foottroller Instructions: About
Once both left and right Fottrollers are connected to the "VirtualFeet" App, user actions including walk, run, and jump can be detected.
Click the "Switch Display" button, the Avatar will walk, run and jump as the user does it.
Foottroller Instructions: About
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